Home > Whoa...things can change

Whoa...things can change

November 2nd, 2022 at 01:23 am

Last week on Monday, I received an email notification from our HR for an appointment with them the following day, a week ago Tuesday and when you get that kind of notification, you know it can't be good. Apparently, I'm being laid off. Thank goodness it's not the first time so I've been through something like this before, I know the decision is a bad decision made by someone who doesn't know anything about me personally. It's someone who claimed to support the work that I do but obviously not. We are going to be so critically understaffed that it's not even funny. When I first started working there almost 15 years ago, there was a total of 5.5 people working there and now it will be 2. To be honest, I'm glad I'm being made to leave and I'm not one that is left behind. I've received an outpouring of love and support from my coworkers and immediate bosses who have said such wonderful and kind things. Thankfully for our #UnionStrong, I've got options and I will be using them. There's enough notification and options that if my first plan doesn't work out, I'll try another and another and another before I figure it out. I know that I will be okay and land on my feet even if these feet won't know what they are doing yet or where they will be. 

If I'm not able to return in any capacity, I will be sad and I think it's a horrible decision that will have long ramifications to the organization but they didn't ask me. 

I will be heading back for more schooling and pushing myself beyond my comfort zone to other things. I'm grateful for the opportunities that I have and I know I have more to give so I look forward to what's ahead. 

5 Responses to “Whoa...things can change”

  1. Lots of ideas Says:

    I am sorry this happened to you.

    It sounds like you are in as good a place with it as possible.

    I was laid off once and it was honestly the best thing career wise.
    I got a new job relatively quickly. Because of that, my severance was put to good use and actually paid off my mortgage.
    I was able to be a better, more mature version of myself at the next job.
    I left good coworkers behind, but eventually the whole operation folded so they were ‘gone’ anyway.
    It seems like a good time to be seeking employment, value yourself highly - don’t ‘settle ‘until you have to.

  2. Wink Says:

    It's always such a shock when this kind of thing happens, but I am sure you will not just land on your feet but will thrive in whatever future path you choose. Wishing you the best in your journey forward!

  3. rob62521 Says:

    I'm so sorry. Although you have some plans and I am sure you will make the most of this, it is always a shock. It's crazy that some folks are penny wise and pound foolish when it comes to personnel.

  4. CB in the City Says:

    I'm so sorry! Everywhere I go, they are understaffed. Work is not getting done, and people with experience are being set adrift for cheaper, younger, less-invested staff. It's crazy! It sounds like you have a good attitude. Please keep us posted as you move forward.

  5. Fern Says:

    Layoffs are nearly always unexpected, but I know you can bounce back from this. At least unemployment will keep you going for a while if you need it. Time to update the resume and checks job postings on Linked In.

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