I've got a retraining package. I will be heading back to school again. This will put me in a position to continue working for the same organization. There's support from the folks in the department but goodness, I'm so salty. I've really pulled back and my current supervisors understand. I'm working on emptying my office and etc. It's tough after more than 10 years. Another coworker in my department was offered an early retirement package and they have until the end of the month to decide. They are 63 and have been there 30 years. This would leave a single person left in the department, when I first started there nearly 15 years ago there was 5.5 people in the department but now it's been stripped away. It's such a sorry state.
I also believe that if we could figure out health insurance and work part time, we'd be fine. I've thought about this too but I'm not going to decide until I've gone through this whole process. I would be on a layoff list for up to 4 years so if another position opened up, I could claim it.