April 29th, 2021 at 04:55 pm
During these strange times of covid, I felt compelled to check on an ex that I cut off communication with after the end of our relationship. I wondered about how they were considering their poor health, their aged parents who I also known and cared about. They owed me money and claimed they would pay me back. I explained that good faith would be regular payments even if it was as small $5 a month but nothing ever came. The last payments I received were in 2015. Life hasn't been easy for them, a car accident with a week long hospital stay and rehab. They wanted my address to send me a payment but I wasn't willing to share so I had them send me the check at my workplace. I didn't expect any follow through and was shocked on Friday when they texted me asking if I received it. As I'm working from home, I went on Monday picked it up, double checked it was still good through the issuing bank and deposited it. It's probably 20% of the balance and I had long since believed I would never get anything back. It is a surprise. Found money, unexpected money....it's not a small sum. I think we'll reserve half for an expected car repair and split the rest to our two retirement accounts even though I want to treat myself for something since it's so unexpected. I don't expect additional payments but that was nice.
Posted in
April 12th, 2021 at 09:59 pm
We had our second pfizer done on Saturday. Low grade fever, feeling queasy and headache although it didn't really start until Sunday at 1am. I spent most of Sunday in bed. That's how I prefer to heal, sleep it off.
We've gotten our state refund back but still waiting on the federal refund.
I pulled up our zestimate through mint, our home has increased by almost $25k since we bought it 9/19. That just blows my mind, real estate is increasingly out of reach for the average person.
Mint tells me my credit score is 830 but it doesn't mean much because I don't expect to take any loans anymore.
I recently did set up a small bi-monthly withdrawal for a work tax sheltered annuity plan. My current work retirement accounts are now at about $420k which seems so strange. I've got a few other accounts with other employers and etc that is an additional $260k. About 300k in real estate. Slow and steady wins.
What I really need to do is make sure all my account names are correct. I got married 3+ years ago and make sure the beneficuaries are set as I intend. Additionally, we need to get living wills all those end of life discussions and forms completed. We have friends who are starting to deal with memory issues and the children are very scared so they are talking about forcing them out of their home into care but that's not what they want.
Posted in
Personal Finance,
March 26th, 2021 at 08:53 pm
Glad to work with the tax guy virtually. Taxes are filed and the state refund is already in the bank. I'm glad to have this done even though there's an extension. I also opened up an additional retirement account at work because one time in my life I took it as a challenge to see how much money I could siphon off my paycheck without noticing and live on less. As a single parent living as lean as possible so I could take care of myself in retirement was a smart thing. It seems so weird to be closer to retirement than working too long. I always thought I'd have to work until I was 65 but that's not the case, thankfully. The time went so fast and now I want to look at the things I might have missed out on. I want to live my life a little slower now.
Posted in
Personal Finance,
February 24th, 2021 at 06:15 pm
During the cold spell, everything was good at home but the cabin had some issues. We went there last weekend after not being there since some time in December I think. We had water for a bit but then it stopped. The next day we went to the gas station and picked up some jugs of water so we could flush the toilet. Plumber came out on Sunday and determined that the pipe for the well was frozen outside from the house to the well pump. This was the first time this happened and because we don't know how long it had been frozen, he recommends that we replace the pump as it's probably been weakened for working continuiously. We also need to excavate and bury the pipe lower. It's possible the it was fine but because we had a driveway installed that messed it up or that it would have happened even before the driveway was installed because it finally got that cold. I'm thinking it will be like $3k after all is said and done. Sucks but we don't want to run into the same problem again. We'll get it done in the spring. If we go out there before the thaw, we'll bring water.
We also dream of building a polebarn/shed with living quarters out there. Apparently they are a thing...called barndominium. In retirement, we could house our RV/campervan and vehicles but also have a homebase. The cabin could be part of family compound...at least that's our dream. We haven't even discussed it with the young people.
Posted in
February 18th, 2021 at 01:38 am
I'm in the midwest so this is familar to me. I don't like it but it's the price I'm willing to pay. At least I'm prepared for it. And I've even gone on walks the last three days because it's gotten up to 10 degrees F. I feel really bad for folks south of here who are ill prepared. Their homes aren't built for this and they are running into problems with the power systems and etc. The house I grew up on had electric baseboard heat but only for back up, otherwise we had a woodstove. We had septic and well water so we usually kept gallon glass jugs full of water in case the power was out for too long. When Y2K happened, I knew that if the world collapsed that I could go and it would be fine. I'm not sure what would happen now. I'm dependent on the grid. This of course has me thinking....
What kind of emergency provisions do you have?
Posted in
February 9th, 2021 at 04:48 pm
So my spouse and I are dreaming of retirement and travel. We still want to put good and kindness out into the world so we're thinking about traveling and volunteering. I expect that some of this we can do before retirement but also after. Do you have any experience or knowledge of good organizations that help with this both domestically but also internationally? We are both educators so that's are employment skillset, if that matters.
I think it's possible to retire in 5-8 years so I want to start really thinking about it.
Posted in
February 4th, 2021 at 03:22 pm
I know a lot of you all use budgets, I don't because how I've always done it was figure out what my fixed expenses were and the rest was in the flexible spending(groceries, clothes and etc). If money was tight, I spent less on this and if I had more, I was more flexible. As I start looking into my retirement planning, I want to get there faster. I started reading some of the FIRE blogs and learned that for those who used to use YNAB, will appreciate the budgeting through https://aspirebudget.com/ which apparently is very similar. I'm going to look into it more and see if this will help me get to retirement faster.
The FIRE folks talk about having 33x the annual living expenses and living off of 3%. It's farther away than I thought but who knows. After covid, I will talk to my financial planner some more too. I've read that when folks retire, spending typically goes up for the first few years because folks finally get a chance to do the travel and etc they couldn't when they were working. This makes sense to me.
Posted in
Personal Finance,
January 26th, 2021 at 06:00 pm
Just checked mint and I suppose with the market as it's going, it's just growing in leaps and bounds. 20k in a couple of weeks or so. It's kinda unsettling to me because there *has* to be a crash at some point. This is just not sustainable.
Sitting at home, spending mostly just for food and other basics. Although last night I decided to buy some really warm slippers, spent $50. They aren't as expensive as the Glerups and it seems my previous favorite sheepskin seem to have uneven reviews. I did consider the Glerups at more than $100 because my spending allowence has mostly just sat and gathered since I've go no where to spend it. One reason that I didn't get the Glerups is because I couldn't find anywhere that had my size and style in stock. I wanted to get the boot style because I work in the basement and my feet get cold. I use a space heater but it's hard to find the right balance.
The other things we bought yesterday were usb rechargable fans for the van. Even if we end up not getting the van for whatever reason, the fans will be used outdoors for mosquito prevention or on hot days. We had some credit card points that reduces out of pocket to about $20.
Posted in
Personal Finance,
January 17th, 2021 at 09:19 pm
One of the things our household is doing to get through covid is watching vanlife videos. We both want to travel more when we can. We want to do it inexpensively and vanlife seems great. We currently own a commuter car and a pick up. The small pick up was previously owned by my Dad who passed away and I know that I'm sentimental but I'm hoping to drive it to the ground. I think it could be used for camping in it but my spouse doesn't. Well....my mother has just purchased a new to her vehicle and when she moves south will sell her late model high mileage minivan to us for $1200. She's owned it for probably 12 years and we know the history. If we can travel with this van for one to three summers, it will be perfect. It will help us learn if the dreams we have about vanlife are reality. Is this something we want to invest more into? There's an outfit here that rents van conversions like we dream about but for just a week it's nearly $1000 and granted there will be more costs associated with buying my mom's van like outfitting it, insuring it and garaging it, it will be a really inexpensive trial without huge drawbacks except maybe a breakdown. Those are solvable.
Posted in
January 11th, 2021 at 09:15 pm
Well, we all thought the new year would be better....but it's not. So hard that I feel like I keep wishing away my days. Not too long and it will be March which is when the pandemic started and we all that that was bad.
I looked at Mint and now definitely over the 1 million mark with all assets counted. That feels weird to me and to think I've got 10 years left. I went to go look and see what I've put in my 401k per year to see a ball park of what I can expect to have it increase. I know that our returns can't be expected to stay the same. My annual rate of return for it was over 20%!!! I believe I put over $16k in every year and even if I wanted to, I couldn't change that, it's mandatory at my job. With luck I'll be like Patient Saver and have at least 1 million investments before I retire. Of course over that time, so many things could change but I know that I'm sitting better than so many others.
Posted in
Personal Finance,
December 18th, 2020 at 08:18 pm
All the regular bills have been paid for the month. And my net worth including real estate and etc is about 10k short of a million and I feel pretty good about that personally but I think of everyone who has lost their lives or their job and etc due to covid. I worked hard and it paid off by this security but I'm privileged and lucky. I still have another 10 years to work before I can retire unless we figure out something else for health insurance. Also I know that now that I'm in this age bracket, folks start dealing with big medical issues or other very unexpected things so I'm just going to try to carefully stay the course. I'm fortunate. This much I know. It's warmer here today than usual for this time of year. I've got one more day (Monday) left of work for the year and I'm really looking forward to that break. It's been a tough year. I think I'm going to go out for a really nice walk before it gets too cold, possibly rains.
Posted in
Personal Finance,
December 8th, 2020 at 05:46 pm
The kids on back on home ground again. They have quite a few stories to tell. The GF had worked in apartment management and experienced three deaths during her short time (probably 18 months) the last two of them being in the last 6 months. They are back in flyover country and rents are half of what they were paying on the coast. I think that definitely brings my son a bit of relief to figure out their next steps in life. I guess I'm a bit suprised at how much I'm enjoying watching them figure out their next steps. We saw them on Sunday and brought them a few pieces of furniture we were going to get rid of and some homecooked food. I expected they would be eating fast food and pizza delivery during their move and travels. They were grateful and it warmed my heart that I could meet one of their needs.
We've mostly had unseasonably warmer weather except for a early snow but things are about to change on Friday. I'm not looking foward to it but I'm as prepared as I'll ever be. Mostly when I walk, I start out a little chilly but by the time I'm on my way back home, I'm warm.
I did order an adjustable stand up desk because working from home, my wrists feel it. I can't adjust my chair and don't want to get rid of my desk but I need an additional one. I expect to be working from home for at least another 6+ months.
Posted in
November 15th, 2020 at 08:02 pm
My son and his GF will be back the first week of December! I'm so happy about that, nothing better as far as I'm concerned. I'm so impressed with their adventure where they got to learn so much about themselves and see a bit more of the world. I've never lived outside about a 60 mile radius my entire life. After reading more of the news, I am struggling with seeing them right away or waiting a couple of weeks to make sure they don't catch covid on the way back.
I just paid all the bills for the month and we're thinking about the holidays and how we are going to handle them. We've made some larger purchases including stocking up on some shelf stable food and getting some really good warm weather clothes at a local warehouse sale.
I'm hoping to replace my laptop eventually because it's probably 5 years old...oh I just checked and I bought it Dec 2013 for less than $270. At first I thought that I had to stick it out because my laser printer wouldn't work with a new one but there's a new driver. I have a few other electronics to digitize some of my media and I don't know if I have updated drivers for that so we'll see. Currently working from home, I mostly use my work computer...so much faster.
My glasses are also old so I should get new ones but I don't feel like I need the bifocals yet because I can still read small print when I lift my glasses and I don't mind that work around. My glasses are at least 4-5 years old.
Our November holiday might be an outdoor cookout over an open fire at the cabin. We have wood and a little campfire ring. It would remind me of years ago when we did that.
Being outdoors is still something wonderful for me, a nice walk yesterday even though it was right around freezing and a bit of precipitation. I had layers of merino wool, fleece, down and at the last minute I grabbed by rain jacket. I'm glad I had it. Lots of people walking in the park.
We have a planning meeting for the next few weeks and then I might read. I just got The Book of Delights electronically through the library. I'm looking forward to reading it.
Hope the rest of your weekend is delightful!
Posted in
Personal Finance,
November 4th, 2020 at 11:31 pm
Thank goodness the election stuff is almost over, it's been so difficult.
Working from home has been frankly, boring.
There's good weather forecasted here until Monday and I'm very excited about that. Friday I deliver prepared meals to three students from my college. I did it last Friday as well and it helped to see some students even through the door as I dropped it off.
In the last few weeks I've been in communication with my adult child and they are moving back to the state maybe even before the end of the year. It's so strange at how knowing that will likely come to pass has lessened by stress, knowing that a car ride away versus 1800 miles seperates us in the event that something happens. They are looking forward to being back with family. Like CB in the City's son, they are currently living in Oregon.
The local paper just published an article about where folks can purchase Thanksgiving meal and we're thinking about that. Fancy and a little indulgent but I just know I've got to have things to look forward to as we get through Covid.
My sister recently made the decision to purchase a house in the town she once lived in. It's about 2 hours from where she currently lives. She's been wanting to get back there but her occupation is very niche so few positions open up. She knows of a part time+ full benefits position that would have possibilities so she hopes in the next year or so she might be able to transition to that. Otherwise, she will live during the week in a inexpensive apartment and return home every weekend. I'm so happy she's going to be able to dig her roots back in as she wants to. I'm going to send her a lawnmower as a housewarming gift.
I'm so happy the blogs are working again.
Posted in
October 26th, 2020 at 08:51 pm
So we're doing okay here and I did write a post that got lost in the switch over. I don't remember exactly what I wrote about but my spouse and I have talked about a challenge of a month of trying to spend as little as we can just to see what we can do. We have mostly fixed expenses and some food. We'll see how it goes. If we do it, I'll report back.
Posted in
Saving Money
October 26th, 2020 at 08:50 pm
Posted in
July 28th, 2020 at 10:44 pm
This summer has been hard trying to figure out ways to enjoy it that still keep us safe. Trauma has been triggered in my household so it's been challenging. We have purchased bikes, inflatable kayaks, a new bedframe (switching out the one at the cabin for better sleep), WNBA league pass to watch the games, more storage shelves, bedroom chairs and a used elliptical). Most of these will be very good for the rest of the summer but the elliptical was purchased for us to continue to have some physical activity during the cold winter that we know is coming. We wanted to get it now before the demand is high. It makes me a little nervous with the spending but we're still sitting very good. Oh, we also opened a ROTH for my spouse. If there is a second stimulus check sent out, we intend to put it in there in it's entirety.
We did have a social gathering at a local lake one evening with friends, everyone masked, brought their own chairs and visited six feet away. We rode there on our new bikes, it's about 4 miles away. It was lovely.
This week we plan to go to the cabin for an overnight to switch out the frame and mow the lawn. Next month we hope to finally have a driveway installed. Sunday we leave to drive all day (12 hours) to go to a really special hiking spot. We were going to camp but because of the trauma response to everything happening in the world, we decided a hotel might be easiest for a better sense of safety.
Dreams we also have been having is next year or so purchasing a minivan and having it outfitted as a simple campervan. We've done some research, their are some folks in Colorado who do this and we hope to do some easy simple traveling in the next decade or so.
We've also been dreaming about retirement. If our country can't ever figure out healthcare. If I can stay healthy, I probably could retire around 62 and cobra for 18 months and free market healthcare until medicare (if things remain as they are) at 65. That's about 11 years from now. Dreaming...dreaming...
Posted in
May 30th, 2020 at 09:02 am
So I live in a suburb of Minneapolis. I have been staying up really late the last few night listening to social media about the police killing and the riots. I absolutely believe that there are issues with law enforcement and bias against people of color. That's not really what I'm going to talk about. The impression I got from listening to the Mayor of Minneapolis and the Governor of the state is that they were sympathetic about folks needing to grieve but that it's gotten out of hand with folks from outside of the state coming in to create nothing but destruction, specifically they mentioned the drug cartels and white supremacists. It seems that they are trying to save lives. It's very disturbing. This is history happening.
From a personal finance perspective, I think this is gutting our community and I can't even imagine how this will impact just nearly everything. I really do wonder what forces are in play here.
Posted in
May 10th, 2020 at 09:10 pm
We're eating at home so much more but I'm wanting to find healthy low carb foods that will fill me up because when I'm bored, I'm snacking. It helps having regular walks to both keep me busy and burn some calories. I found a great vegan cream of broccoli soup that I've made twice now. Super easy and tasty.
We also were watching on Netflix Nadiya Hussain’s Time to Eat which is really good and inspiring. We want to make her seasoning that goes in her rice noodle dish.
I had remembered formerly known as patient saver's granola recipe so I went looking for it. It was back in 2015 that she shared it. I'm going to try and make a batch of that too.
CB, I've always appreciated your ability to be a single person and have the variety of homemade foods you do. You're amazing.
It's unseasonably chilly here today. I like walking in the cooler weather and enjoying that soup.
So far I'm still employed but who knows what the longer view is. I think if I lost my job, I could go a year but health insurance would be the issue. I sure hope things will be ok for us all. It's reinforced how careful I've been with money.
Posted in
Food / Groceries,
Personal Finance,
April 16th, 2020 at 10:22 pm
We got it and like many of you, we put it in savings. We don't have any mortgage or outstanding loans and I'm working so it's just extra emergency funds. If we really do go into a big recession that lasts a long time and/or if I loose my job. We might need it. So for now, I put it in our online savings account where it gets the biggest return on interest. Long term I think we'll be fine but these are such strange days.
Posted in
Personal Finance
April 2nd, 2020 at 10:25 pm
We have symptoms in our household consistent with the virus but mild. It's not me, I feel fine. I walked to our local grocery store Wednesday night (I think). I also had to pick up some rx for prednisone. I wore a mask and washed my hands as soon as I got home. Today i had to go to work to get a new headset for working form home. They left it outside for me to pick up. I stopped by Aldi for a last bit of groceries and we should be good for another couple of weeks. While I was there I left a gf card of $20 for folks that might be a few dollars short with the cashier. On my way out, I also found someone's debit card on the ground in the parking lot. Normally I would have dropped it off at the bank it was issued but I know that wouldn't be helpful if the owner needed access to cash right now. She'd get a replacement in 7-10 business days. I left it with the manager and hope she'll return for it.
We have no loans, no mortgage and I'm still working and getting paid. I know how darn lucky we are. I hope we all get through this ok. This reinforces why I've done my life this way. I hope that this experience doesn't push me to be more extreme about it.
Posted in
March 29th, 2020 at 09:54 pm
I just wanted to share this for anyone who might be interested.
Calm in the Time of Coronavirus.
A free online program to help us build individual and community resilience during this stressful time.
March 30 - May 20 | Live Talks Wednesdays @ 7pm CT
Led by Henry Emmons, MD
Bonus! Resilience resources for Parents & Kids led by Tim Culbert, MD.
I hope you take care of yourselves.
Posted in
March 26th, 2020 at 06:50 pm
So my location on campus is considered a computer lab apparently (grrr...) and so we're still open. My spouse has severe asthma and we're very concerned about if she would get it. It would devastate me if I brought that home to her. I'm mostly working from home. Our state has a "stay home" order but my job is exempt. We'll see if they close the campus or somehow I don't have to go in. We have had 346 cases and two deaths as of today. I peeked at my retirement down $100k and I'm grateful knowing that I'm not trying to retire tomorrow. I'm checking on folks that I know...single parents, older folks. We're trying to organize something here in our townhouse development but we don't know all our new neighbors because we just moved here in September.
We have also discussed that if there is money coming to us and it looks like there is. We plan to give it to folks we know who are struggling far worse. I'm still working, we have an emergency fund and I think we will be ok. There are folks who don't have all that we have.
I hope you all are staying safe and healthy.
Posted in
March 16th, 2020 at 09:35 pm
We got the taxes done last week and amazingly, we didn't owe. It's confusing since our tax guy told us it would be a large amount which we set aside to pay. The money we set aside, we'll use some for a big project at the cabin but save the rest. We're getting a little refund but it might end up going to all the additional spending for extra food and etc.
Because we went to the cabin 90 minutes away in another state for spring break, I have to self quarantine myself for 3 days. It makes no sense to me because I could have caught the virus and still not know until a week has passed. Trying to figure out working from home which I think I'll be able to do but it will be lonely and feel less effective.
We're in such strange days that I do even know what to expect. I wish I could lay eyes on my son but he's half way across the country in one of the hardest hit states.
I hope you all stay safe and healthy.
Posted in
Food / Groceries
February 26th, 2020 at 09:50 pm
We're on track for early retirement. I asked when he thought and he said age 55 or 60. I can hardly believe it because that just seems too soon. My spouse is 6 years older than I am so if I waited until I was 62 or so, it would even be better. My spouse would be covered by medicare and if I could figure out health insurance for 3 years. He also mentioned the christian healthcare plans aka health care sharing ministries but I'm not sure they would take a couple of atheists who while pretty square also probably go against their personal beliefs in other ways.
He talked about since we live pretty frugally it's easier. Our expenses have gone up due to our move but it sure makes me motivated. I also think our expenses would go up if we were retired because we would want to travel more. I'm sure we'd figure out ways to travel inexpensively but who knows.
I'd also love to figure out how to earn income as a digital nomad.
Posted in
Personal Finance,
February 1st, 2020 at 10:11 pm
Ugh, I've been so sick for at least three weeks, it's the cough that never ends. With all that has happened for the last month, I used the online nurse, minute clinic and a clinic at my employer to hopefully resolve all of this once and for all. While I'm no longer so exhausted it took weeks for my hoarseness to go away.
I'm taking an online class to formally know more about the microsoft suite. I only have to pay for the fees and the book. The wife is taking the same class but starts later. If I keep moving forward, I hope to get some kind of accounting certificate.
We joined planet fitness. I HATE to allow them to draft my bank account so I did a lot of work to figure out a work around. But I purchased a re-loadable american express bluebird card which I can add more money free on it through the store that must not be named...starts with a W. I've been there 4 times in the last week so I'm back to training.
I also registered for my first 5k in about 100 days. I would be doing it with my sister and her friends in honor of their good friend who they lost to melanoma.
It's been a dreary January, cloudiest on record. Thankfully it's not been too snowy or cold. We're in February now so spring can't be too far behind (or at least one could dream)!!
We're trying to start saving receipts so we can figure out a reasonable budget. It was easy when it was just me and now it requires coordination with my wife....that makes it a little more challenging. Wish us luck!
Posted in
Personal Finance
December 11th, 2019 at 11:21 pm
Now that we have a little room to breathe after the sale of the old house, I'm looking at what things I want to do now in the new place. We can afford the new place but now have a quarterly HOA fee. My spouse is looking to go back to work so that will help. We have a emergency fund but I would like to have it hold a year's worth of expenses. We also still need to pay off the taxes on the house sale.
I'm looking into the "none to run" training to see if that will help with my health. I've never been an athlete but I've enjoyed more activity in the last few years and with a recent weight loss, I want to keep going. My sister did a running program and maybe I can do it too.
We have holiday plans set, 2 nights with my sister and then a drive up to visit my mother. I'm looking forward to it. NY will be for gathering with friends and a little time at the cabin. We plan on reviewing the last year and decade and make plans for the new year/decade.
Does anyone know the best way to include a picture? I tried adding an image but it doesn't seem to work.
Posted in
December 9th, 2019 at 04:58 pm
The old house is finally sold. Now we wait to see what our final tax bill is next year. I'm looking forward to this being all wrapped up.
Yesterday we went through our expected bills and there's a little bit of wiggle room each month that we can use towards building our emergency fund back up with the goal of being $50k. I think we are approximately 50% of the way there. Also my spouse is looking to go back to work. We don't expect that she will make much money due to the nature and therefore the pay of the work.
Mostly except for the unexpected, we'll be mostly chugging along at a good pace towards our future.
My position is union work and recently the contract has been settled, I will have a small increase in January and then a one time payment in July. I don't know if I will have summer hours next summer and if I don't, we'll be fine. If I do, then we can build that emergency fund back up quicker.
We have our holiday plans scheduled. We also plan to look back at the last decade and do some thinking about what we want in the next decade. The decade after that will be looking at what retirement looks like.
Posted in
Personal Finance,
November 14th, 2019 at 12:39 am
April was when we realized we were going to sell our house and buy a new one. It took a lot out of us to sell a camper and a very old truck (1935) and then pack up everything to put the house on the market. The house was on the market just before July 4th and and after multiple offers, we accepted a bid. Inspection and then just a bit before close, it fell through. It was back on the market at the end of August and the close was September but it was canceled. Then it was back on the market and within a week multiple offers and that fell through just a couple of weeks before close but we were able to keep the earnest money. Back on the market and maybe two weeks we had multiple offers with the close date of being December 2nd. We've gone through with inspection and everything, there's just one more load to empty the house and we're crossing our fingers. I can't wait for it to finally sell so we can pay off our bridge loan. I really want to figure out what the monthly budget will be.
Going forward we'll be working on our health, maybe taking some classes and looking into travel.
Posted in
October 23rd, 2019 at 11:35 pm
So the house went back on the market on 10/11 and we ended up with one really low ball offer which we countered up and then a second one a day later so we could call for highest and best which resulted in a purchase agreement. We expect the close date first week in December. It's not as good as the first one and frankly, I forget the amount of the second one. I just really hope this one goes through. I'm going to be holding my breath until it's finalized. I really do want to get back to a place where we don't worry too much.
We have just a couple of things left in the house and the garage to empty, perhaps 3-4 loads.
I'm really looking forward to a month of just one house so we have an idea of what our normal expenses will be. I tend to take the income subtract all the fixed expenses and then the rest gets put back to savings.
My spouse is heading to Indiana for a week to lay eyes on her brother. I'll be on my own which is rare but it will be good.
We're also still in the game, we have not turned on our heat yet. We're in the same state as CeeJay!
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Personal Finance,
Saving Money